Where to Go from Here

The Mental Science of Success – Online Edition

Look at Yourself in the Mirror

In the last few years, we have helped people to rewrite their subconscious programs using these techniques and they have been extremely helpful.  However, we realized that the results were extremely localized to the specific programs that were edited and not the entire life of the person.  When we compared this to my own experience, which had an immediate effect in rewriting several areas of my life and multiple programs instantly, we felt troubled.

This continued to trouble us until we recognized that while you can rewrite specific subconscious programs bit by bit and program by program as we have taught you to do here, this is slow and not what I experienced.  I experienced an entire rewrite of my self-image and all aspects of my life in one amazing event.  

That rewrite essentially changed my subconscious self-image from the image of a failure to the image of unlimited potential and success.  (Success being the complete absence of failure.)  I realized that to experience the results I had, we needed to do what I did.  

In my initial experience, Jesus Christ showed me that the self-image I was operating under was an illusion created by those around me, which was accepted by my subconscious mind.  He showed me my true image which was patterned after his own.  This was a very real and powerful experience.

We realized that if you want the results I had, you need to focus on your core self-image and the sub-self-images that directly impact specific areas of your life. 

If you want to maximize your effectiveness, focus your efforts on programming your subconscious self-image to be the perfect image, the God image.  Once this program is in place, all aspects of your life will change and you will have the results I experienced.  

The easiest way to accomplish this is to realize that how you see yourself now is an illusion which you have accepted.  Dispel the illusion and you will find your God self.  Realize that what is currently in place is an illusion and what is real is unlimited, creative and powerful.  Pay close attention to your “self-talk” (those things you say in your mind and sometimes out loud about yourself) and see if it matches the God self-image or not.  If it does not, then correct your internal self-image, words and feelings about yourself using the techniques we gave you already.

While you can do this on your own using the techniques we have provided in this book, we have created a meditation online audio which uses our personally developed guided imagery technology to walk you through the process of discovering your current self-images and how they are affecting your life.  This meditation provides a 3-D experience similar to the experience I shared in the first chapter in which I learned that my previous self-image was that of a failure.

The process starts with you sitting or lying comfortably in an undistracted environment.  Once you are comfortable, you simply play the audio file and follow the instructions.  

In the audio session, I explain the process and prepare you for the experience giving you an overview and instructions.  When you are ready, you can start the Self Image Discovery Meditation which will help you to discover some of the major self-images you currently maintain in your subconscious and see how those self-images are impacting your life.  We will look at the following self-images:  Career, Financial, Relationship, Spiritual, Physical health and wellbeing, Mental, Emotional and overall self-images.

The meditation walks you through a short muscle relaxation process and mental stimulation sequence to help you to become fully immersed in the experience.  Then I take you in vision to a special lab environment where you look at a 3-Dimensional view of your current overall subconscious self-image and watch on a screen various events, decisions and experiences you have which show how your self-image has directly impacted your life.  We will also look at how this self-image is currently impacting your life, (good, bad or both).

Then we proceed to look at each specific subset of your subconscious self-image which governs the various aspects or areas of your life.  The specific subconscious self-images we review include:  Career, Financial, Physical Health and Mental Health self-images.  We will follow the same process used to see the overall self-image by viewing the 3-Dimensional view of the self-image and how the self-image has and continues to impact your life. 

Once you have reviewed your existing subconscious self-images and watched videos of your life on the screen showing how these images have created your life experience, then we will complete the meditation and ensure that you remember everything in detail so that you can record your experience if desired. 

 We end the meditation by bringing you back to full conscious awareness of your physical environment.

This audio is intended to provide you with a sample experience of the privately developed guided imagery technology as well as to bring to your conscious awareness the practical principles discussed in this book.  It allows you to see your self-images and their effect on your life without changing them.

Being aware of your subconscious self-images, you will be empowered to use the techniques provided in the last previous chapter to begin editing and changing your subconscious self-images.

You are now empowered to take conscious control of your life and your future.  With the tools you have been given, the world is yours.  Take it and live the life of your dreams!

This online audio is free and can be accessed at the following website:


The Fast Track

Using the same guided imagery technology sampled in the free Self-Image Discovery Meditation online audio, we have developed a “Fast Track Self Improvement” audio which will not only allow you to view your current self-images, but replace them with the unlimited potential of your god-self.  This advanced online audio will walk you through a similar meditation that will help you to wipe out all the negative self-images based on illusions you have accepted throughout your life.  These illusions will be replaced with the pristine and untarnished image of your true self in essence, showing you who you really are and what you are really capable of.

Once we have cleaned out all the negative programming that has held you back and replaced it with the unlimited potential of a new life, you will watch video clips of how these new self-images will impact your life and decisions to create the life experience you desire.  You will see and feel the differences between the old and new self-images in a very powerful way.

Before we have completed the meditation, I will help you instruct your subconscious mind to commit that new program into every aspect of your life and ensure that you remember everything in detail so that you can record your experience if desired.

At this point, you will be released from all the negative history and limitations of the past and ready to create your own future.  

Once your subconscious self-image has been reprogrammed, you will need to be aware that just as before, you can and will edit and write new programs regularly.  Be aware that you can consciously choose what programs you write and accept on a daily basis.  Be sure to only allow those programs that are designed for your benefit.

You can purchase this or other self-improvement meditation audios from our website at:


These audio programs are created to target the most common self-image issues of today’s society.  Although this is an extremely powerful technique, it is not personalized to everyone’s desires. If you need a personalized guided imagery session or personalized coaching, you can contact us using the links provided on the same website.

In Conclusion

This book has focused on the number one reason for personal failure.  We have not provided the day to day secrets, tips, tricks and life hacks we used to milk the most out of life because, we have repeatedly learned from sad experience that until your subconscious mind has been properly released of its self-limiting programs, you will not be prepared to apply and benefit from these powerful tools.

We have taught people some of the most amazing life hacks we have learned and watched them fail to put that information to use for whatever reason you could imagine.  It has become clear to us that regardless of your profession, education, opportunity, personality or even IQ, you are limited by your subconscious self-image.  Whether you make $12.75/hour or a million dollars a month, you are limited by your subconscious programming.  That is why it is essential to first resolve the core issue of self-image before learning other strategies and techniques for success.

Once you have done this and perfected your self-image, you will be able to successfully learn and apply the success strategies and techniques that will create for you the life you desire.

Mental success is the first step toward success in any area of life.    

Once you have removed the limits set by your subconscious mind, we can teach you the everyday philosophies and life changing strategies we have learned that have magnified our ability to achieve the life of our dreams.  And we know that after you have a clean mental slate, you will be enabled to successfully use and benefit from them.  

Once you have programed your subconscious for success, you can find links for our other success education products on our website at: 


We look forward to serving you again and wish you all the success you deserve!